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Small Groups


We make much of small groups from the front. What are they, and why do we think they’re such a key part of church life?

In a church family with over 100 gathering on Sunday mornings, and that people move through regularly, we can’t know everyone – small groups are an excellent way of regularly meeting with others to study the Bible together, pray for each other, form community, and encourage each other in the Christian life. At heart, it’s a group of people, increasingly doing life together, and walking alongside each other. 

Ephesians 4 tells us that it’s as we speak the truth in love to each other, that we all grow together, into maturity in Christ. Small groups are an excellent place for doing that. They work well in equipping us, to be able to better read the Bible for ourselves, and to teach others. They are a different way of learning (to sermons), that helps us remember and live out what we’re discovering. They’re also places where we can encourage each other in our personal evangelism. There’s so much good content available online. A distinctive of a regular small group, is that we’re learning and living in community, rather than as isolated individuals. Small groups are our primary place of pastoral care.

As in so many areas of life, you get out what you put in. Those who come to the groups every week, make the socials, and follow up with people during the week, get more out of the group and grow more in Christ.

There are different options – the groups on Tuesday evening, Wednesday evening and Friday lunchtime follow the Sunday morning sermon series, giving the chance to go deeper. The Women’s Groups on Tuesday mornings, Thursday mornings and Thursday evenings look at something different.

Contact David to join one, or find out more.

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